Thursday, July 30, 2009
Where does Eva Ng really Live St.Paul or Scandia MN
Rule of Law re: Taxes_Homestead,Mark Oswald St.Paul,MN
Tax and Property Look Up Information - Search Criteria
Tax & Property Look Up Information
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Sharon Anderson Legal Residence Address: New Property Search > Property Search Results. Note: Click on a PIN (Property ID#) to continue
St Paul MN 55104-0384 Campaign Contact Information: PO Box 4384 St Paul MN 55104-0384 651-776-5835 www.sharon4mayor2010.blogspot.com Tax and Property Look Up Information - Search Criteria Eva Ng
Christopher B. Coleman
St Paul MN 55107 Bill Dahn at 725 Stryker is a "RENTER" If in Fact Eva Ng is a RENTER at 160 Washington St., Then Blanda must lose the HS Credit. |
SharonAnderson,EvaNg,Obama's Legal Residence's
elections@co.ramsey.mn.us, mark.oswald@co.ramsey.mn.us, fred.grittner@courts.state.mn.us, shari.moore@ci.stpaul.mn.us, janice.rettman@co.ramsey.mn, larry.dease@courts.state.mn.us, edward.cleary@courts.state.mn.us, kathlen.gearin@courts.state.mn.us, barry.anderson@courts.state.mn.us, eric.magnuson@courts.state.mn.us, infor@judicialwatch.org, silha@tc.umn.edu, john.vandenorth@courts.state.mn.us
Sent: 7/30/2009 10:18:22 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Facebook Sharon Anderson,Eva Ng,Obama's Legal Residence's
Financial Ties Raise Questions About SoCal Judges NBC Los Angeles re: 62cv09-1163 http://taxthemax.blogspot.com/ http://alicekrengel.blogspot.com/ re: Judicial Error, Prosecutorial Misconduct to violate State Nuisance Laws,
LEGAL NOTICE: /s/Sharon4Anderson@aol.com ECF_P165913Pacersa1299 telfx: 651-776-5835:
Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower, Sharon4 Anderson - Google Profile Candidate AG2010 www.sharonagmn2010.blogspot.com Blogger: User Profile: Sharon Anderson SharonsYahoo! iGoogle
Homestead Act of 1862 Twitter / Sharon4Anderson Shar1058's Buzz Activity Page - My Buzz Activity - Yahoo! Buzz neopopulism.org - Pro Se Dec Action Litigation Pack Sharon4Anderson Scribd Document's are based on SEC filings, Blogger: Dashboard Home
FAIR USE NOTICEThis site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of whistleblower protection issues, MY FindLaw SharonsWritProA06_1150_30Jun06_26
The CAN-SPAM Act: Requirements for Commercial Emailers
Sharons-Psychic-Whispers: Sharons Gypsy Curse-Court-Cop Corruption 3Apr0http://www.givemeliberty.org/RTPlawsuit/courtfilings/Docket.htm Sharon4Council: DLJ Managment v. City St. Paul A06-2118,Money LaunderinNo direct un-apportioned tax confirmed by the US Supreme Court rulings in CHAS. C. STEWARD MACH. CO. v. DAVIS, 301 U.S. 548, 581-582(1937) g andFCC Complaints - http://sharons-copywrite.blogspot.com/knowledge gained as financial journalists , http://taxthemax.blogspot.com/ securities they recommend to readers, affiliated entities, employees, and agents an initial trade Public domain recommendation published on the Internet, after a direct mail publication is sent, before acting Google Search Times v. Sullvian Libel with malice - on that recommendations, and may contain errors. Investment decisions should not be based solely on these or other Public Office documents expressly forbids its writers from having financial interests in Google Search BlogItBabe2007 Candidate profile Sharon4Anderson's Legal BlogBriefs Sharon4Anderson St.
Sent: 7/30/2009 10:18:22 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Facebook Sharon Anderson,Eva Ng,Obama's Legal Residence's
Sharon4Anderson (Sharon4Anderson) on Twitter re: http://taxthemax.blogspot.com/ File 62cv09-1163
23Thurs July2009
It has been brought to Sharon4Mayor@aol.com attention that
Click here: Blanda CEO MN - Google Search Isn't it interesting Legal Residence of Eva is perhaps her Boyfriend? Will Challenge in about 2 weeks.
About Eva Ng - Eva Ng For Mayor of Saint Paul, MN - Saint Paul ...
Mr. Tilton subsequently became CEO of Texaco and eventually the CEO of United Airlines. ... Blanda, Inc. in Eagan, MN was one of my favorite projects. ...
www.evaformayor.com/about.php - Cached - Similar -
www.evaformayor.com/about.php - Cached - Similar -
Mark K. Garski, Relator, vs. Blanda, Inc., Respondent ...
Great Video Judicial Bribes upsetting the scales of Justice
Financial Ties Raise Questions About SoCal Judges NBC Los Angeles re: 62cv09-1163 http://taxthemax.blogspot.com/ http://alicekrengel.blogspot.com/ re: Judicial Error, Prosecutorial Misconduct to violate State Nuisance Laws,
Great Respect for the Rule of Law Google
Rule of Law - Google Search neopopulism.org - Erick Kaardal Click here: MinnPost - Coleman-Franken proceedings: The case is, finally, closed … and checks totaling $112K cleared, too
Look what lawsuits cost....................Hang Tough I'm getting some cooperation from the CountySt Paul with links and pdf files sue me for my legal residence at 1058 Summit, which is a felony if I do not own 1058
In due course the month of Aug will challenge Eva and myself on residence's
Ramsey County Elections Confidantial 4 now RE: EVA'S ADDRESS
ST PAUL MN 55102-4415 0151
ST PAUL MN 55102-4415
PIN (Property ID#) | Number | Street Address | City | | 190 | Washington St | St. Paul |
Tax and Property Look Up Information - Quick Info Eva's name is NOT on Statement for Legal Residence unless
Sharon Anderson
Legal Residence Address:
1058 Summit Ave
St Paul MN 55104-0384
Campaign Contact Information:
PO Box 4384
St Paul MN 55104-0384
Bill Dahn
Legal Residence Address:
725 Stryker Ave
St Paul MN 55107
Campaign Contact Information:
PO Box 7417
St Paul MN 55107
Christopher B. Coleman
Legal Residnece Address:
686 Chippewa Ave
St Paul MN 55107
Campaign Contact Information:
PO Box 14447
St Paul MN 55117
Eva Ng
Legal Residence Address:
190 Washington Street
St Paul MN 55102
Campaign Contact Information:
Eva For Mayor, PO box 165
2136 Ford Pkwy
St Paul MN 55116
Legal Residence Address:
1058 Summit Ave
St Paul MN 55104-0384
Campaign Contact Information:
PO Box 4384
St Paul MN 55104-0384
Bill Dahn
Legal Residence Address:
725 Stryker Ave
St Paul MN 55107
Campaign Contact Information:
PO Box 7417
St Paul MN 55107
Christopher B. Coleman
Legal Residnece Address:
686 Chippewa Ave
St Paul MN 55107
Campaign Contact Information:
PO Box 14447
St Paul MN 55117
Eva Ng
Legal Residence Address:
190 Washington Street
St Paul MN 55102
Campaign Contact Information:
Eva For Mayor, PO box 165
2136 Ford Pkwy
St Paul MN 55116
LEGAL NOTICE: /s/Sharon4Anderson@aol.com ECF_P165913Pacersa1299 telfx: 651-776-5835:
Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower, Sharon4 Anderson - Google Profile Candidate AG2010 www.sharonagmn2010.blogspot.com Blogger: User Profile: Sharon Anderson SharonsYahoo! iGoogle
Homestead Act of 1862 Twitter / Sharon4Anderson Shar1058's Buzz Activity Page - My Buzz Activity - Yahoo! Buzz neopopulism.org - Pro Se Dec Action Litigation Pack Sharon4Anderson Scribd Document's are based on SEC filings, Blogger: Dashboard Home
FAIR USE NOTICEThis site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of whistleblower protection issues, MY FindLaw SharonsWritProA06_1150_30Jun06_26
The CAN-SPAM Act: Requirements for Commercial Emailers
Sharons-Psychic-Whispers: Sharons Gypsy Curse-Court-Cop Corruption 3Apr0http://www.givemeliberty.org/RTPlawsuit/courtfilings/Docket.htm Sharon4Council: DLJ Managment v. City St. Paul A06-2118,Money LaunderinNo direct un-apportioned tax confirmed by the US Supreme Court rulings in CHAS. C. STEWARD MACH. CO. v. DAVIS, 301 U.S. 548, 581-582(1937) g andFCC Complaints - http://sharons-copywrite.blogspot.com/knowledge gained as financial journalists , http://taxthemax.blogspot.com/ securities they recommend to readers, affiliated entities, employees, and agents an initial trade Public domain recommendation published on the Internet, after a direct mail publication is sent, before acting Google Search Times v. Sullvian Libel with malice - on that recommendations, and may contain errors. Investment decisions should not be based solely on these or other Public Office documents expressly forbids its writers from having financial interests in Google Search BlogItBabe2007 Candidate profile Sharon4Anderson's Legal BlogBriefs Sharon4Anderson St.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Affidavit Lynn Moser_62cv09-1163 RICO Fraud
Mon.27Jul09 re: 62cv09-1163_Ramsey Crt.File 37548
TO: The Above named: Specifically the Financial Director of the City of St. Paul lynn.moser@ci.stpaul.mn.us
Please go over your Affidavit with a fine tooth comb,signed 8July09.
VA_Widow_Whistleblower with Standing as Private AG,Attorney Pro Se, Defendant 42 USC 3631 must challenge based upon all Records, Tickets, Warrants,
to the Validity of Fees/Assessments Ratified based on Theft,Trespass,Treason
False Statements.
Further: Affiants call 651-266-3051-to Student Attorney John.Edison@co.ramsey.mn.us representing Susan Gaertner without a License
arguing with Affiant that Theft, Trespass,Treason are NOT CRIMINAL CHARGES>
(1) JURISDICTION /AUTHORITY : Rules of S&C have not been applied to 3 thousand property cases: to effect due process, specifically 697 Surrey
(2) Defendant 697 Surrey committed NO CRIME, to have Car,TRailer,Water Shutoff
therefore Constitutionality of Fees/Assessments are Unconstutionally Vague,Arbitrary,Capericious and cannot and must not be in the Courts, who futher
have committed Prejudicial error: re: In the matter of Sharon Scarrella for Assoc.Justice 221NW2nd562 that Elections of Judges have illegally mandated a License for Elective Office of Judges.
(3) Until legal process to 3 thousand property owners is perfected the lower court does not have jurisdiction to proceed and or have a Summary Judgment 20Aug09.
With the exception as Candidate http://sharon4mayor2010.blogspot.com the
State Court must have forensic files in 62cv09-1163 in pdf format.
such as incorporated with Eva Ng www.evaformayor.com
Further Issues: That the DFL has singled out Sharon Scarrella Anderson for the past 30 yrs
in a "Patterened Enterprise" to Steal Affiants Realestate, causing Death,Disability,Disparagment of Titles.
Further Affiant sayeth not at this time: except the County,City have wilfully failed to address the "taking" 5th Amend. Clause of the US Constitution,
Working on pdf format
LEGAL NOTICE: /s/Sharon4Anderson@aol.com ECF_P165913Pacersa1299 telfx: 651-776-5835:
Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower, Sharon4 Anderson - Google Profile Candidate AG2010 www.sharonagmn2010.blogspot.com Blogger: User Profile: Sharon Anderson SharonsYahoo! iGoogle
Homestead Act of 1862 Twitter / Sharon4Anderson Shar1058's Buzz Activity Page - My Buzz Activity - Yahoo! Buzz neopopulism.org - Pro Se Dec Action Litigation Pack Sharon4Anderson Scribd Document's are based on SEC filings, Blogger: Dashboard Home
FAIR USE NOTICEThis site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of whistleblower protection issues, MY FindLaw SharonsWritProA06_1150_30Jun06_26
The CAN-SPAM Act: Requirements for Commercial Emailers
Sharons-Psychic-Whispers: Sharons Gypsy Curse-Court-Cop Corruption 3Apr0http://www.givemeliberty.org/RTPlawsuit/courtfilings/Docket.htm Sharon4Council: DLJ Managment v. City St. Paul A06-2118,Money LaunderinNo direct un-apportioned tax confirmed by the US Supreme Court rulings in CHAS. C. STEWARD MACH. CO. v. DAVIS, 301 U.S. 548, 581-582(1937) g andFCC Complaints - http://sharons-copywrite.blogspot.comknowledge gained as financial journalists , http://taxthemax.blogspot.com securities they recommend to readers, affiliated entities, employees, and agents an initial trade Public domain recommendation published on the Internet, after a direct mail publication is sent, before acting Google Search Times v. Sullvian Libel with malice - on that recommendations, and may contain errors. Investment decisions should not be based solely on these or other Public Office documents expressly forbids its writers from having financial interests in Google Search BlogItBabe2007 Candidate profile Sharon4Anderson's Legal BlogBriefs Sharon4Anderson St.
Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower, Sharon4 Anderson - Google Profile Candidate AG2010 www.sharonagmn2010.blogspot.com Blogger: User Profile: Sharon Anderson SharonsYahoo! iGoogle
Homestead Act of 1862 Twitter / Sharon4Anderson Shar1058's Buzz Activity Page - My Buzz Activity - Yahoo! Buzz neopopulism.org - Pro Se Dec Action Litigation Pack Sharon4Anderson Scribd Document's are based on SEC filings, Blogger: Dashboard Home
FAIR USE NOTICEThis site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of whistleblower protection issues, MY FindLaw SharonsWritProA06_1150_30Jun06_26
The CAN-SPAM Act: Requirements for Commercial Emailers
Sharons-Psychic-Whispers: Sharons Gypsy Curse-Court-Cop Corruption 3Apr0http://www.givemeliberty.org/RTPlawsuit/courtfilings/Docket.htm Sharon4Council: DLJ Managment v. City St. Paul A06-2118,Money LaunderinNo direct un-apportioned tax confirmed by the US Supreme Court rulings in CHAS. C. STEWARD MACH. CO. v. DAVIS, 301 U.S. 548, 581-582(1937) g andFCC Complaints - http://sharons-copywrite.blogspot.comknowledge gained as financial journalists , http://taxthemax.blogspot.com securities they recommend to readers, affiliated entities, employees, and agents an initial trade Public domain recommendation published on the Internet, after a direct mail publication is sent, before acting Google Search Times v. Sullvian Libel with malice - on that recommendations, and may contain errors. Investment decisions should not be based solely on these or other Public Office documents expressly forbids its writers from having financial interests in Google Search BlogItBabe2007 Candidate profile Sharon4Anderson's Legal BlogBriefs Sharon4Anderson St.
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