more from SPNN 19 Meet the 2013 Candidates
Sharon AndersonName: Sharon Anderson aka Peterson_Scarrella
Email: Alternate
Phone: 651-776-5835
Address: P.O. Box 4384
Saint Paul, MN 55104
Campaign Website: and Forensic Files
Twitter handle:
Facebook Page: Please provide a brief bio highlighting experience and accomplishments that qualify you for Mayor. (200 word maximum):Affiant SharonSoulSt.Paul, VA Widow,Whistleblower,"Learned" in High Tech,Blogger,RealEstateEntreprenuer, HomeGrown,HomeTown,St.PaulCentral Grad,School of HardKnocks,Understands Separation of Powers, Mayor Executive must expose the City's Case Fixing Issues to deprive the Average Citizen Equity and Tax Relief. View Dec 17, 2012 - Uploaded by lawlessamerica2. Why are you running for this seat?To expose High Crimes,Misdemeanors of Chris Coleman, taking a Dive and Bribe to Case Fix in the Magner Case USSC 10-1032 Executive Summary * * * AsstAGThomas E.Perez made a secret deal behing closed doors with Chris Coleman Mayor outside counsel David Lillehaug ie: Now MN Justice with Throat Cancer, * * * to Recent advances continue to refine these statistical methods, such as a new system developed Separation Powers:Colemans Complicity Cities Risk Management Insurance via League MN Cities, apparantly Federal Judge Joanne Ericksen involvement has put the State and Federal Judiciary "at risk"Township of Mount Holly v. Mount Holly Gardens Citizens in Action (filed May 17, 2013): In November 2011, the Court granted cert. in Magner v. Gallagher to decide two questions: first, whether disparate impact claims - that is, claims alleging that a practice has a discriminatory effect on a protected class, even if it not based on a discriminatory purpose - can be brought for a violation of the Fair Housing Act; and, second, what test courts should use to analyze such claims. However, before the Court could hear oral argument, the parties agreed to dismiss the case. 3. Please list any endorsements you have received: N/A 4. What is the biggest challenge facing the city and how would you address it? 1. CITY St.Paul via Chris Coleman's Corporate Welfare to the Demise of Homeowners and LandLords re: USSC 10-1332 titled Magner v. Gallagher. Disparate Impact unabated via MN AG Lori Swanson
2. COUNT II Political Bribery ?
3. HAS Chris Coleman via and Now used his NonProfit Official Capacity to create AntiTrust Issues in City St.Paul Legislation and Claims vs. City in his Elected Position of Mayor of St. Paul,MN Re: Payout to Corrupt Cops via Metro Gang Strike Force, 3 millionCOUNT III Bribery via Colemans Complicity, Manulipating INsurance Trust Accounts, creating burden on Citizenery,Taxpayers. 5. What would be your top three priorities if elected? 1. Fiscal Responsibility Estopp the Insane Harrassment of DSI against the Taxpayers,Homeowners,Small Business 2. Settle these Cases before they get to USSC Eliminate Exessive Fees, ROW, 6. How would you characterize the business climate in Saint Paul? What, if anything, would you do to change it? If no Long Form Complaint signed off by Mayor and City Attorney, then City Resolutions are Moot, specifically the 800 Vacant Bldgs, 1,400 Total 7. Should city government be actively involved in attracting and retaining jobs? Why or why not? If so, please describe the role for the city in this process. Government Control has "taken" control of Small Business, Repeal Obama Care as Burdensome on the Public. NO 8. What do you think should be the city's top transportation related priority? Who ever is Elected will be faced with Congested Mess on 63 Bus Line,Central Corridor,Saints, Union Depot and the Food Hub on Polluted Land under the 3rd St. Bridge. TIF to Macys,Cossettas,Penfield the City is the Biggest LandLord to the Taxpayers Demise. 9. Many communities and government entities in the East Metro collaborate to provide services to their residents in an effort operate more efficiently and cost effectively (See attached Shared Services Survey). Do you believe that Saint Paul uses such partnerships appropriately, and can you identify any specific areas where more sharing of services should be used?
Saint Paul Mayoral Candidates - Click here for information on Saint Paul's Ranked Voting System
Email: Alternate
Phone: 651-776-5835
Address: P.O. Box 4384
Saint Paul, MN 55104
Campaign Website: and Forensic Files
Twitter handle:
Facebook Page: Please provide a brief bio highlighting experience and accomplishments that qualify you for Mayor. (200 word maximum):Affiant SharonSoulSt.Paul, VA Widow,Whistleblower,"Learned" in High Tech,Blogger,RealEstateEntreprenuer, HomeGrown,HomeTown,St.PaulCentral Grad,School of HardKnocks,Understands Separation of Powers, Mayor Executive must expose the City's Case Fixing Issues to deprive the Average Citizen Equity and Tax Relief. View Dec 17, 2012 - Uploaded by lawlessamerica2. Why are you running for this seat?To expose High Crimes,Misdemeanors of Chris Coleman, taking a Dive and Bribe to Case Fix in the Magner Case USSC 10-1032 Executive Summary * * * AsstAGThomas E.Perez made a secret deal behing closed doors with Chris Coleman Mayor outside counsel David Lillehaug ie: Now MN Justice with Throat Cancer, * * * to Recent advances continue to refine these statistical methods, such as a new system developed Separation Powers:Colemans Complicity Cities Risk Management Insurance via League MN Cities, apparantly Federal Judge Joanne Ericksen involvement has put the State and Federal Judiciary "at risk"Township of Mount Holly v. Mount Holly Gardens Citizens in Action (filed May 17, 2013): In November 2011, the Court granted cert. in Magner v. Gallagher to decide two questions: first, whether disparate impact claims - that is, claims alleging that a practice has a discriminatory effect on a protected class, even if it not based on a discriminatory purpose - can be brought for a violation of the Fair Housing Act; and, second, what test courts should use to analyze such claims. However, before the Court could hear oral argument, the parties agreed to dismiss the case. 3. Please list any endorsements you have received: N/A 4. What is the biggest challenge facing the city and how would you address it? 1. CITY St.Paul via Chris Coleman's Corporate Welfare to the Demise of Homeowners and LandLords re: USSC 10-1332 titled Magner v. Gallagher. Disparate Impact unabated via MN AG Lori Swanson
2. COUNT II Political Bribery ?
3. HAS Chris Coleman via and Now used his NonProfit Official Capacity to create AntiTrust Issues in City St.Paul Legislation and Claims vs. City in his Elected Position of Mayor of St. Paul,MN Re: Payout to Corrupt Cops via Metro Gang Strike Force, 3 millionCOUNT III Bribery via Colemans Complicity, Manulipating INsurance Trust Accounts, creating burden on Citizenery,Taxpayers. 5. What would be your top three priorities if elected? 1. Fiscal Responsibility Estopp the Insane Harrassment of DSI against the Taxpayers,Homeowners,Small Business 2. Settle these Cases before they get to USSC Eliminate Exessive Fees, ROW, 6. How would you characterize the business climate in Saint Paul? What, if anything, would you do to change it? If no Long Form Complaint signed off by Mayor and City Attorney, then City Resolutions are Moot, specifically the 800 Vacant Bldgs, 1,400 Total 7. Should city government be actively involved in attracting and retaining jobs? Why or why not? If so, please describe the role for the city in this process. Government Control has "taken" control of Small Business, Repeal Obama Care as Burdensome on the Public. NO 8. What do you think should be the city's top transportation related priority? Who ever is Elected will be faced with Congested Mess on 63 Bus Line,Central Corridor,Saints, Union Depot and the Food Hub on Polluted Land under the 3rd St. Bridge. TIF to Macys,Cossettas,Penfield the City is the Biggest LandLord to the Taxpayers Demise. 9. Many communities and government entities in the East Metro collaborate to provide services to their residents in an effort operate more efficiently and cost effectively (See attached Shared Services Survey). Do you believe that Saint Paul uses such partnerships appropriately, and can you identify any specific areas where more sharing of services should be used?
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